Latest News
13. October, 2021
The role of women in re-launching the economy and innovation decision making
PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION - Forum & policy stakeholder roundtable, hybrid event
27. July, 2021
Romania and Moldova- close collaborations for supporting and promoting female entrepreneurship
Digitization, innovation, entrepreneurship education, bilateral relations between the Romanian and the Republic of Moldova regarding business environment and academic cooperation were some of the most important topics...
29. April, 2021
Over 2 million jobs available in the EU
The SARS-COV2 pandemic had a major impact on the labor market and forced employers to rethink their recruitment and selection processes. Let's see the details!
16. April, 2021
Constant changes
Anyone who gives his head to a business is aware that he has to face constant challenges, as the market is proving to be saturated in quite a few professions and disciplines.
25. March, 2021
Yes, You can start a business in difficult times!
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all in many different ways, both regarding our work life and our personal life. We have shared learnings, we have been digitalized...
25. March, 2021
Social Skills a Key to Business Success
Soft skills, hard skills - what are they and what is worth knowing about them?!
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