Latest News
19. March, 2021
How did our research develop? – We present the results of our research!
This document has been prepared in the framework of the WINGATE project (Project nr. 2018-1-0824), as part of WP3: Needs Assessment.
16. February, 2021
Gender equity – major impact on GDP in the future
Gender equality has strong, positive impacts on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita which grow over time. An interesting study has been done on the subject. Read on!
15. February, 2021
What is to know about the Wingate project
The main objective of the WINGATE project is to increase the number of successful women enterprises (especially in the innovation sector) and to support their competitiveness.
18. January, 2021
The Norwegian Fund provides grants for the development of Hungarian women entrepreneurs
Under the name WINGATE, a business incentivisation project has been launched in Hungary, which aims to increase the number of successful women enterprises in the region. The project benefits from a € 1,824,320 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation, of which nearly 40% can be spent on the realisation of domestic goals.
4. January, 2021
Finding quick solutions remains a necessity in 2021!
At the end of the year, we take a step back and look at what 2020 has meant for the local ecosystem and its representatives, entrepreneurs and those who supported them - from challenges and lessons learned (and they were in full swing this year), to successes and moments of celebration.
18. December, 2020
The entrepreneur woman in a new stage of economic development
The number of women involved in entrepreneurship is growing year by year and this is a positive thing if we think that important
Please be invited to take the survey so we can get a clearer picture about what your needs are.