Latest News
11. May, 2022
Three key factors for becoming a successful entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is challenging, exciting, fun and a lot of hard work. The process of defining what Your business should be all about is important and it always starts with the big WHY...
2. May, 2022
How to build a market position for the future? It’s easy, be human.
The most human company wins, said Mark Schaeffer, successful author of the book carrying the same title. Whether you´re an entrepreneur starting a new business or a well-established company, local, regional or international, being human applies for all of them.
26. April, 2022
Business Development Tools – A Business Angel Perspective
Can a business angel be a “development tool” for startups? How can strategic planning, an active network, and customer relationship management help your startup company's growth?
25. April, 2022
How to be a successful business woman in 2022
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most successful of them all? A simple question and two answers: Siri and Alexa. What they have in common?
25. April, 2022
Online training platforms
Today everything is online, so why should not be the education? The premise „nowadays, you can find everything within a few google searches“ is positively correct, so you don’t have to worry about buying expensive books anymore..
1. October, 2021
Wingate – Partners meeting 27.08.2021
We have an extremely meaningful 1 year behind us in the project, which until now - adapting to the current world situation - could only managed online...
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