1 Step 1 CountryPlease select the country you live inSelect oneHungaryMoldovaNorwaySerbiaRomania Age Education Employee or EntrepreneurSelect oneEmployeeEntrepreneur Current occupation / business field Are you interested in becoming a/an?Becoming an entrepreneurGrow / scale up your businessBecoming a business Angel / an investor GenderPlease select your genderSelect oneMaleFemaleOther 1. Considering yours and your company needs regarding the soft skills, what would you say you need/prefer to learn more about? Choose the most important skillsCreativeResilientA good and fair team playerAn open mind and out of the box thinking?Self-confidentNone of the above, a business woman doesn’t need those 2. Considering yours and your company needs regarding the hard skills, what would you say you need/prefer to learn more about? Choose the most important skills:Significantly improve your computer skillSignificantly improve your finance coordinator skillsSignificantly improve your ability to use the business/professional networks for input and supportSignificantly improve your investing skillsBecome a professional with a respected opinion in your field of operations 3. Which foreign languages are you speaking?EnglishFrenchGermanSpanishOther Other language Regarding the above question, what is your level of the foreign languages you speak:BasicFluentNative 4. When creating a company, would you:Use business/professional networks for input and supportHave confident in yourself and your abilities onlyNeed an external consultant to administrate the process and take care of all documentation and taxesA combination of the above 5. What kind of leader would you say you are?The hands-on manager, who needs to check and control every process, every step of the way, working together with her employees?The consulting manager – you hire the professionals to run the show and you are just making the strategy and supervise the implementation?Smart combination of the above two 6. If you are not yet an independent business woman, what do you think have stopped you in being soI have not had the working capital (liquidities)I have not had the knowledge (the business idea, the logistics, the support)I have not had the courage to take on this responsibilityI have not had the necessary support regarding means of learning: necessary training, learning platforms, school supportNone of the above, I am already an entrepreneur 7. What do you think a successful woman entrepreneur should ideally have? Choose the most important features for you:Money and proper funding to sustain the business until it becomes productiveCourage and knowledge to develop a business idea that can be implemented rapidly and grow fast and efficient in a short period of timeLearning means –you rely on inspirational models and best practices by others 8. What do you think it is the major drawback factor in making the decision to become independent?Legislation and the economic environmentThe level of responsibility compared to the chances of becoming profitable and growTime consumption – the fact that the business is yours and needs your full attention and energyLack of support from and discussions with others who have the experience from starting a company (network) Courage to move from being an employee to become a business owner I don’t know, I have never thought about this 9. In your role as manager/ company owner, what is your experience with including financial support?I did not know this was possibleI have tried – at least one time – but did not manage to get it I have tried several times but it’s hard to find an investor in my activity/ field of activity/ business areaOther Other experience 10. Do you think investing in one’s self development (going through training sessions in your field, continuous learning, learning camps, etc) is:MandatoryNot necessaryIt can’t hurt, but the work can be done without 11. How is your decision-making process?I am a self-learner, self-starter, I only make decisions on my own I make decisions based on management algorithms/ science proves/ famous managers/ CEOs’ practiceI do what I feel, based on the data I haveI have a board of directors, it is their responsibility I do not take any decisions 12. If you would name 5 out of the most difficult situations you have had to handle, which are they?Cashflow relatedPeople management relatedCrisis (local or international) relatedAcquiring new customersKeep the current customersExpansion out of local marketChoosing the proper marketing strategyAll of the above mentioned 13. In marketing your business, do you:Work with your internal resourcesWork with an external marketing agencyCombination of the aboveNone, I do not need to market my business 14. When setting up your business would you say your local economic environment:Supported youDiscouraged youHave no idea, it was not me setting up the business 15. In regards to the current digital era, would you say you are:Totally independent, I know how to operate any laptop, tablet, Android or iOS systems, Internet banking and payments, online conferencing systems, online platforms, conduct and implement all the logistics and acquisition processes via internetI am struggling very much in digitalizing my company, I have a team of IT experts and heavily rely on them for supportA combination of the above 16. For how long has your business been profitable or when will it become profitable (if you are just starting), from it’s launch:In the first 6 monthsAfter the first yearIn 2 to 3 yearsIt is not yet profitable but we are expecting it to become profitable by the end of this year 17. If you could choose between some options to fuel your business would you prefer:An investor who takes over your business so that you have the freedom to develop other(s)?A Business Angel working with you and assisting you in managing the business on a daily basis.A partner with capital, while you keep the leadership and strategic decisions?A credit from the banking systemA loan from 3F’s (Friends, Fellows and Family)None of the above, you do not need anybody from outside 18. When opening a business, do you think a business plan is:MandatoryNice to haveNot necessaryI don’t know 19. Have you ever designed/ developed / implemented a business plan?YesNoI didn’t need it but if it’s needed, I am totally able to do it 20. In evaluating your business model, would you say your work/ company is:Well organized, with a clear structure, everybody in the company knows what to do and we have procedures for all the implemented processesCreative, perhaps sometimes chaotic but we rely on our staff– they are trained professionals and they always manage to find a solutionA combination of the aboveNone of the above, we have our own way that have worked uptil now and we want to keep it that way 21. In managing your employees, would you say the most challenging area is:Offering a balanced package so we can attract and retain talents without affecting the company’s cashflow and budgetsDealing with the employee turnoverLack of competence and talent in the field of activityLack of talented managers/ leaders to inspire the peopleOther Other area 22. Do you know exactly what a Business Angel is:Yes, I know I have heard about it and even met and worked with someNo, I have no idea and have no interest to find out about itNo, but I would very much like to know more about this concept 1. When did you hear the concept "business angel"? If yes, when?About 1 year agoAbout 2 years agoAbout 5 years agoAbout 10 years ago or more 2. Do you know anyone who is actually a business angel?Yes, one or two Yes, at least threeNo 3. Have you ever invested in a company (other than your own or your family's?)Yes No 4. According to your opinion, what is the minimum level of funds to be invested in order to be an angel investor?1 000 EuroBetween 2 000 Euro-10 000 EuroMore than 10 000 Euro 5. In your opinion, how many out of 10 business angel investments, would succeed?0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 6. Would you like to learn more about business angels?YesNo 7. How much do you know about running a small company (production, sales, marketing, cash flows, etc)?A lotJust to a small extentNot much Would you like to learn more?YesNo 8. How much do you know about financial investments, risks, portfolio building?A lotJust to a small extentNot much Would you like to learn more?YesNo 9. How much do you know about the innovation process and ecosystem?A lotJust to a small extentNot much Would you like to learn more?YesNo 10. Would you prefer ...an online course an offline, personal course a handbook 11. When learning about angel investment …I prefer to learn from others experiences, together with other womenI prefer learning together with both men and womenI do not mind if there is a majority of men or women at the training Thank you for answering these questions. They are meant to assess the need of learning and training support for female entrepreneurs. I you did not found your training/ development need listed in the above questions, please feel free to fill in your suggestions and requirements below. This will be highly appreciated and considered. What would you need in terms of training / learning platform / business development tools?0 / 3000 Thank you for answering these questions. If you want to provide any other information please fill it in below:0 / 3000 Submit Answers keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right FormCraft - WordPress form builder