At the end of the year, we take a step back and look at what 2020 has meant for the local ecosystem and its representatives, entrepreneurs and those who supported them – from challenges and lessons learned (and they were in full swing this year), to successes and moments of celebration.

For many entrepreneurs, 2020 was like a kind of atypical entrepreneurship. “Use everything you know. Forget everything you know and start over. Find solutions overnight. Forget solutions that don’t seem to work as fast.”
However, those who survived in 2020 they were the ones who knew what adaptability and rethinking the business meant in unprecedented conditions.
The pandemic only accentuated and hastened some trends that were already there, as happened in other areas. The online and this Do It Yourself that more and more people are turning to, has opened up a new opportunity, which many were thinking about, but they never seemed to find time to deal with it.

What do you have to do in extreme situations? Try to always keep your head clear.
After all, that’s about entrepreneurship – a long line of solutions to all kind of problems.

This year the problem we all had to solve was this pandemic, with effects of all kinds – from health to financial and psychological. Every entrepreneur needs clarity to really run a business, especially in times of crisis. Every entrepreneur needs to know where to sit in order to see things as clearly as possible and be able to lead, no matter what field they work in.
Don’t complain, don’t panic. Breathe, find the solutions.
There is an old saying: “There are at least two solutions to any problem”. Find them !!!!

Author: Andreea Negru- Wingate Communication Manager (Romania)
