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Are you interested in becoming a/an?
1. Considering yours and your company needs regarding the soft skills, what would you say you need/prefer to learn more about? Choose the most important skills
2. Considering yours and your company needs regarding the hard skills, what would you say you need/prefer to learn more about? Choose the most important skills:
3. Which foreign languages are you speaking?
Regarding the above question, what is your level of the foreign languages you speak:
4. When creating a company, would you:
5. What kind of leader would you say you are?
6. If you are not yet an independent business woman, what do you think have stopped you in being so
7. What do you think a successful woman entrepreneur should ideally have? Choose the most important features for you:
8. What do you think it is the major drawback factor in making the decision to become independent?
9. In your role as manager/ company owner, what is your experience with including financial support?
10. Do you think investing in one’s self development (going through training sessions in your field, continuous learning, learning camps, etc) is:
11. How is your decision-making process?
12. If you would name 5 out of the most difficult situations you have had to handle, which are they?
13. In marketing your business, do you:
14. When setting up your business would you say your local economic environment:
15. In regards to the current digital era, would you say you are:
16. For how long has your business been profitable or when will it become profitable (if you are just starting), from it’s launch:
17. If you could choose between some options to fuel your business would you prefer:
18. When opening a business, do you think a business plan is:
19. Have you ever designed/ developed / implemented a business plan?
20. In evaluating your business model, would you say your work/ company is:
21. In managing your employees, would you say the most challenging area is:
22. Do you know exactly what a Business Angel is:
1. When did you hear the concept "business angel"? If yes, when?
2. Do you know anyone who is actually a business angel?
3. Have you ever invested in a company (other than your own or your family's?)
4. According to your opinion, what is the minimum level of funds to be invested in order to be an angel investor?
5. In your opinion, how many out of 10 business angel investments, would succeed?
6. Would you like to learn more about business angels?
7. How much do you know about running a small company (production, sales, marketing, cash flows, etc)?
Would you like to learn more?
8. How much do you know about financial investments, risks, portfolio building?
Would you like to learn more?
9. How much do you know about the innovation process and ecosystem?
Would you like to learn more?
10. Would you prefer ...
11. When learning about angel investment …

Thank you for answering these questions. They are meant to assess the need of learning and training support for female entrepreneurs. I you did not found your training/ development need listed in the above questions, please feel free to fill in your suggestions and requirements below. This will be highly appreciated and considered.

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