Hetfa Research Institute is a research and analysis think tank based in Budapest, Hungary. Among its many activities, Hetfa carries our research, policy evaluation and stakeholder management regarding entrepreneurship policies as- well as the support of women in economic decision making.
Hetfa conducts and coordinates several activities regarding female entrepreneurship. Its Erasmus project ifempower.eu was an international success, designing and testing an internationally useable complex & transversal methodology and curriculum of female entrepreneurship, strongly relying on mentorship & project-based learning. This comprehensive module that includes ECTS reflects to all obstacles in female entrepreneurship & empower students to successfully overcome them.
Another international initiative coordinated by Hetfa is RE-FEM, refem.eu
.– ‘Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs’, an Erasmus+ project aiming to empower women entrepreneurs, through need-based training for maintaining resilient businesses in the post-covid era. The project also serves the needs of the trainers and mentors in business support and entrepreneurship working in the field of adult education by providing easily accessible, high quality and transformative training tools.
Besides these activities, Hétfa is also carrying out research, analysis and training in various social issues such as entrepreneurship, employment, education, social innovation. Finally, the organisation is about to launch at the beginning of 2024 its first coordination in Horizon Europe, the project STREAM-IT, which will support scientific (STEM) education of women.
Hétfa is looking for cooperation opportunities in analysis, entrepreneurship development and education, in various international projects.
For more information , visit hetfa.eu or contact internationaloffice@hetfa.hu.